Global Aircraft -- V-22 Osprey
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V-22 Osprey Specifications
Primary Function: Amphibious assault transport of troops, equipment and supplies from assault ships and land bases
Contractor: Boeing Defense and Space Group, Philadelphia, PA; Bell Helicopter Textron, Ft Worth, TX; Allison Engine Company, Indianapolis, IN
Crew: N/A
Unit Cost: $40.1M (Total Program Recurring Flyaway, Constant Year, FY94$)
  Two Allison T406-AD-400 turboshafts each rated at 6,150 shp (4586 kW) take-off and 5,890 shp (4392 kw) continuous running.
Length: 57' 4 inches - Spread
63 feet 0 inches - Folded
Width: 84' 7 inches - Spread
18 feet 5 inches - Folded
Height: 22 feet 1 inches - Spread
18 feet 1 inches - Folded
Empty: 31,886 lb (14463 kg) -- equipped
Maximum Takeoff: 60,000 lb (27442 kg) -- for STO
Speed: 316 mph (509 km/h / 275 kt) -- airplane mode
115 mph (185 km/h / 100 kt) -- helicopter mode
Ceiling: 26,000 feet (7925 m)
Range: 200nm Pre-Assault Raid with 18 troops
200nm Land Assault with 24 troops

V-22 Osprey Achievements
  • The V-22 is the world's first production tiltrotor aircraft.

V-22 Osprey Features

The Osprey is a tiltrotor aircraft with a 38-foot rotor system and engine/transmission nacelle mounted on each wing tip. It can operate as a helicopter when taking off and landing vertically. Once airborne, the nacelles rotate forward 90 degrees for horizontal flight, converting the V-22 to a high-speed, fuel-efficient turboprop airplane. The wing rotates for compact storage aboard ship. The first flight occurred in March 1989. The V-22 is the world's first production tiltrotor aircraft. Planned purchases include 360 for the Marine Corps, 48 for the Navy and 50 for the Air Force.

V-22 Osprey Background

   Bell Helicopter and Boeing Vertol joined forces during the early 1980s to develop a larger scale aircraft of the XV-15 tilt-rotor demonstrator program for the Joint Services Advanced Vertical Lift Aircraft program, which combined the vertical takeoff capabilities of a helicopter and the efficiencies of a fixed-wing aircraft. The V-22 was awarded with full-scale development in 1985. Flight testing of the V-22 started on March 19, 1989, and it successfully demonstrated airborne transition from helicopter to wing-borne flight in September 1989.

Summary Copyright © Charles M (JetWhiz)

V-22 Osprey Photos
V-22 OspreyV-22 Osprey
V-22 OspreyV-22 Osprey
V-22 OspreyV-22 Osprey
V-22 OspreyV-22 Osprey
V-22 Osprey

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