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2004 - 2005 GAC Web Awards
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We regret to announce that we will no longer be accepting submissions for the GAC Web Awards due to lack of manpower. The Web Awards may return if we are allotted more time, or if we find some volunteers to take over as judges for the awards. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. If you would like to volunteer as a judge, please visit our Volunteering Page and send us an email.

Global Aircraft Web Awards (2004 - 2005)
(resized for space)
GAC Web Awards
Approx. 175 x 200 - 13 KB Each - more samples


  Welcome to another year of the Global Aircraft Web Awards! After taking a look across the Internet we noticed that some websites have excellent content, others have aesthetics beyond imagination, and several have a mixture between the two. We started wondering what made one site stand out above the others, and we realized that websites offering excellent content rather than relying on graphics alone were typically more effectual to the populace as a whole.

  However, there are many other factors involved in determining a site's overall merit. Navigation is another significant facet to note, because if you can't find your way through a site then it significantly loses its effectiveness. Originality is also very important to a Website. A site should have content of its own, as well as custom graphics and ideas involved in page layout.

  Getting all of these aspects right is tedious work, and takes tons of imagination and hard work. GAC is presenting these awards to honor those websites whose web design, originality, and content have achieved levels of excellence deserving recognition.


  The GAC Web Awards are given in four levels: Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze. More information about what it takes to win these awards is provided on the criteria page. Please read the criteria page very carefully, understand what would make your Site win or lose, and check over your site to make sure it fits the criteria.

  The GAC Web Awards strive to keep your rating current, so if you have won in a previous year please feel free to apply for an upgrade award (read upgrade criteria). If you have already won a GAC Award of any level, you must score a perfect 100 in order to win the prestigious platinum award. If you do not receive an award, you may edit your Site and resubmit it after 90 days of prior entry.

  If you are interested in nominating yourself for a GAC Award, please read the criteria now and submit your website to us. You are also expected to score your own site to be certain it has a good chance of winning one of our awards. It would be a good idea to view the sites of previous winners of the GAC Award in order to get a visual on what it takes to win. Go to the winners page to view the Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze winners.

  Be sure to look over our Code of Ethics, which ensures we will judge everyone with equality and fairness.

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Global Aircraft Web Awards Affiliates:
Awards Worksheet Award Sites! Level 3.5
The Award Awards
Webs Awards Level 9 Knight of Awards

Last Updated: March 04, 2004

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